Arism Wallet

Arism Wallet is a distributed key and identifier management protocol powered by Zero Knowledge.

This decentralized wallet application uses advanced cryptographic algorithms to ensure the security and integrity of user's private keys.

Getting started

To get started, you only need a Google account to sign in to the Arism Wallet application. Your keys will be distributed and managed by the Arism Wallet protocol and your device.



Learn about the core concepts of the protocol.

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How to use

Start your journey with guides and recommended practices.

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Node setup

Learn how to set up nodes and start earning rewards.

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SDK integration

Use our SDK to integrate the protocol into your DApps.

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One-click login via third-party platforms. No need to remember seed phrases or private keys.

Loss Prevention

Easy recovery with MFA. No longer worry about losing access to accounts by mistakes.


Protected by a distributed network of nodes. Keep your accounts safe from any attack attempts.

Feature Variety

Account Abstraction and Distributed Identifier support. Manage and represent everything by a single identity.