
ARM Token

ARM Token (or Arism Token) is a Fungible Token for staking, rewarding and fining in operating Arism Nodes.

Arism Network

Mainnet (Validation Network)

Mainnet is the main network for executing algorithms to verify third-party accounts and conduct Network Key for users.

Mainnet is made up by a set of 5 Validation Nodes.

Subnet (Backup Network)

Subnet is the network that provides Backup Nodes when there is a dead, malicious or expired Validation Node in Mainnet. There is also only 5 Backup Nodes available at same time. Everytime there is a node leaving the Mainnet, a Backup Node will be promoted to replace it.

For some security reasons, all Validation Nodes will have to recreate their data along with this node. Because Validation Nodes cannot know exactly the data is held by the old node, and they cannot share their Secrets to reproduce that old node's data to the new node either. This is called Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS) algorithm (which will be mentioned later).

Arism Node

Arism Node operator will prepare an available server (or device) with a staked amount of ARM Token.

Validation Node

Validation Nodes are the Arism Nodes which joining into the Mainnet. When a user registers an account, each node will generate 1 Secret and 5 Shares (by number of nodes) for that account.

While Secrets are the private data, Shares have 5 times more numbers than Secrets because a node will share 1 Share for each remaining node on the network. This is called Distributed Secret Sharing (DSS) algorithm (which will be mentioned later).

Backup Node

Backup Nodes are the Arism Nodes which are in the queue to protect each Validation Node in the Mainnet.

Supervising Node

This is part of the Interchangeable Secret Sharing (ISS) algorithm, to ensure that when a Validation Node dies, it will still be possible to generate Network Keys as long as the number of dead Nodes is below a certain threshold or conditions.

One Validation Node will supervise the other Validation Node. When a node dies, the node that is supervising it will take care of performing the algorithm for it.

However, a node will only be able to supervise JUST ONE other node. All node must monitor another node circularly, because if a node monitors on 2 or more other nodes, it can find or manipulate the Network Key (which will be mentioned later).

Node lifecycle

Validation Node's lifetime is determined based on the staked amount of ARM Token and the number of Backup Nodes in the queue.

This ensures a degree of decentralization, preventing node operators from colluding with each other to damage the integrity and security of the network.

Rewards and fines

Validation Nodes will receive rewards periodically for their work. Backup Nodes will receive a portion of the rewards as well because they still have to work continuously while waiting for a Voting Event.

If a Validation Node is found to be dead or malicious, it will be fined and removed from the Arism Network. It will not be able to withdraw the entire staked amount of ARM Token because it will be deducted from a fine amount.

The reward amount will be calculated based on the staked amount and waiting/working time, while the fine amount will be calculated based on the remaining time it still has before the deadline.

Voting Event

Validation Nodes will be randomly selected from Backup Nodes (but with priority on the staked amount of ARM Tokens), meaning that Backup Nodes with the most staked amount of ARM Tokens will have a high chance of participating into Arism Network as a Validation Node when there is an Validation Node dies or expires.

Nodes will be managed on a Smart Contract and voting will also be executed on the Smart Contract as well to ensure the transparency property. This will happen automatically between Validation Nodes whenever a node detects (or requests) of a dead or malicious node, such a node is called Victim Node.

Of course, a positive vote will be cast if a node finds the Victim Node active, a negative vote will be cast if a node finds the Victim Node dead or malicious. Absolutely no human intervention.