- Name
Homepage Development
- Type
- 2024-03-01
- Description
Development of the front-end interface for the Arism Lab's web portal.
- Name
Docs Development
- Type
- 2024-03-15
- Description
Compilation and structuring of comprehensive technical documentation for the Arism Protocol.
- Name
Metadata Development
- Type
- 2024-03-30
- Description
Implementation of the metadata storage and management system, serving as the backend infrastructure for Arism Application.
- Name
Node Development
- Type
- 2024-04-15
- Description
Deployment and configuration of a dedicated node to facilitate decentralized operations within the Arism Network and Protocol's ecosystem.
- Name
Smart Contracts Development
- Type
- 2024-04-30
- Description
Development and deployment of smart contract Protocols to enforce automated and secure transactions within the Arism Network. Including DAO, ARM Token, Token Distribution, Staking, etc.
- Name
Application Development
- Type
- 2024-05-15
- Description
Creation of the user-facing application interface, enabling seamless interaction with Arism Protocol's features and functionalities.
- Name
Granting Phase
- Type
- 2024-05-30
- Description
Granting for funds to support the development and growth of the Arism Protocol ecosystem.
- Name
SDK Development
- Type
- 2024-06-15
- Description
Development of a Software Development Kit (SDK) to empower developers in integrating Arism Protocol's capabilities into their own DApps.
- Name
Optimization Phase
- Type
- 2024-06-30
- Description
Initiation of comprehensive optimization procedures to ensure the reliability, security, and scalability of the Arism Protocol.
- Name
Testing & Audit Phase
- Type
- 2024-07-01
- Description
Execution of rigorous testing and auditing processes to validate the robustness and compliance of the Arism Protocol with industry standards and best practices.
- Name
Completion Phase
- Type
- 2024-07-15
- Description
Finalization of all development and preparatory activities for the official launch of the Arism Protocol.
- Name
Airdrop Phase
- Type
- 2024-07-20
- Description
Execution of an airdrop campaign to distribute tokens or rewards to stakeholders and participants of the Arism Protocol ecosystem.
- Name
Go Live
- Type
- 2024-07-30
- Description
Official deployment and activation of the Arism Protocol, marking the commencement of live operations and interactions within the protocol.